Meet the Team

Fred Schaefer

Ethan Goldman

  • Fred is delivers locational DER and load forecasting projects for electric utility clients and has overseen the development of AdopDER's adoption forecasting processes.

    He has fifteen years of experience as a data scientist and statistician. He has developed analytics-based solutions to business problems and deployed enterprise software for clients in the financial services, manufacturing, retail, and utility industries.

    See Fred’s LinkedIn.

  • Ethan Goldman has been developing software for sustainability since 2001, developing systems to find and quantify energy efficiency and demand flexibility.

    He has worked with clients such as electric and gas utilities, regional energy efficiency organizations, efficiency program administrators, and product developers. His work includes developing innovative analytics solutions using data from smart meters, circuit-level sub-meters, smart thermostats, and data-loggers for temperature, pressure, flow, and other sensors. He has not only invented new algorithms but has also turned them into fully-functional enterprise software that solves real business problems.

    See Ethan’s LinkedIn.